
Welcome to TsukiGakkou. We're excited to connect and engage with you! Our commitment to excellence extends to our communication channels. Below, you'll find various ways to get in touch with us and become a part of this dedicated community for learning and growth.

Developer E-mail

E-mail for Privacy Policy Subjects

  • Developer E-mail
  • Want to talk directly to our development team? Feel free to email us at We're looking forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions.

  • E-mail for Privacy Policy Subjects
  • If you have questions or concerns related to our privacy policy, send us an email specifically for privacy-related matters. We value your trust and are committed to protecting your personal information.

We're here to make your experience with TsukiGakkou incredible. Don't hesitate to reach out through any of the channels above. Join us as we explore the world of learning Japanese and create a supportive space for all enthusiasts.