
Hello, my name is Eduardo, and I'm here to chat informally since you almost always read my posts corrected and with parts generated by artificial intelligence. But not this time; I'll be writing word by word.

Our project is reaching a point where I can get a sense of how users will interact with the tools and content on our Patreon subscriber dashboard or beta user dashboard. So I feel compelled to give a brief overview of what the project is about, its future, and myself, as I plan to make this project my main personal project.

By the way, if you don't follow our posts on Patreon, I always aim to post my weekly goal for site content production on Mondays. I've already mentioned a bit about the future and investment planning regarding financial resources. So if you're curious about upcoming short-term changes, keep an eye out there.


Regarding the Dashboard, I couldn't describe it better than "a combination of all the tools you need to be happy studying Japanese." Our main mission with this project is to facilitate your learning, gathering everything you need to study Japanese in one place as much as possible.

I'm trying to populate the site with as much content as possible, but this can take months or even years. So, to support this project, become a member of our Patreon to help us keep the site online and ad-free.

Patreon and Beta Period

I'm trying my best to include exclusive content like learning posters and videos. However, this type of content takes a lot of time, and at the moment, I'm focused on site programming and supplying information for its tools. But rest assured, besides our exclusive dashboard, there will be even more content for our supporters.

About the beta period, let's start with what beta would be. This beta would be a free period where users can use the exclusive dashboard without limitations! This period can last as long as I deem necessary to promote/test the site or in extreme cases, in the need to keep the site online. After all, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Click here, to get fre acess.

Learning System and Learning Curve

I'm trying my best to smooth out the learning curve, but the panel gives the impression that users can simply fall into the trap of clicking 'next, next, next...'

This is a problem; I've placed warnings in various places on the site, so I want to make it clear: DON'T RUSH THROUGH THE CONTENT!!! Make use of all the tools, use Anki and Mondai daily; these tools add and remove cards according to your lesson progress. If you simply rush through, you'll miss valuable content for your learning.

Open Source Projects

Our site uses major open-source projects to make everything more interesting. If you appreciate and enjoy the content shown on our panel and site, consider supporting these projects as well; they deserve all the gratitude and recognition. You can find them on our about page, click here.

About Me and My Plans

Well, as for me, I'm a broke Brazilian seeking new horizons. I plan to immigrate to Japan and, if all goes well, settle on the island of Okinawa. Working with digital tourism, web programming, and promoting the island's attractions or even manual work, who knows what the future holds.

I'll definitely be sharing this journey with you in the future, so keep an eye on my social media; you can find them in the site's footer.

Project Future

As mentioned before on our Patreon, we have some investment priorities for site improvement, but I'm reconsidering these expenses and will be revealing the overall plan again in the future. But rest assured, any support will be well-invested and will certainly be converted in some way into more content for the project.