“There Is” or “There Are”: があります and がいます

In Japanese, there are two commonly used verbs to express existence: あります (arimasu) and います (imasu). Both verbs mean "there is" or "there are," but they are used in different contexts. The key difference lies in what they describe: あります is used for inanimate objects and abstract things, while います is used for animate objects, such as people and animals.

Key Differences

VerbUse withExample in JapaneseEnglish Translation
ありますInanimate objects and abstract thingsつくえ が あります。There is a desk.
いますAnimate objects (people, animals)ねこ が います。There is a cat.

Detailed Explanation

  • あります (arimasu):

This verb is used when talking about the existence of inanimate objects, plants, places, events, or abstract concepts. It indicates that something exists or is present.

つくえ が あります。 - There is a desk.

き が あります。 - There is a tree.

こうえん が あります。 - There is a park.

しあい が あります。 - There is a match/game.

  • います (imasu):

This verb is used when talking about the existence of living creatures, including humans and animals. It indicates that a living being exists or is present.

おとうさん が います。 - There is a father.

いぬ が います。 - There is a dog.

とり が います。 - There is a bird.

せんせい が います。 - There is a teacher.

Using Particles with あります and います

In these constructions, the particle が (ga) is used to mark the subject, which is the thing or person that exists.

  • が あります: Used for inanimate objects.

つくえ が あります。 - There is a desk.

  • が います: Used for animate objects.

ねこ が います。 - There is a cat.

Negative Form

To express that something does not exist, you can use the negative forms ありません (arimasen) and いません (imasen).

VerbNegative FormExample in JapaneseEnglish Translation
ありますありませんつくえ が ありません。There is no desk.
いますいませんねこ が いません。There is no cat.

つくえ が ありません。 - There is no desk.

ねこ が いません。 - There is no cat.


Understanding the distinction between あります and います is crucial for accurately describing the existence of various objects and beings in Japanese. Remember, use あります for inanimate objects and abstract concepts, and います for living creatures.

へや に つくえ が あります。 - There is a desk in the room.

にわ に いぬ が います。 - There is a dog in the garden.

わたし の かばん に ほん が あります。 - There is a book in my bag.

こうえん に こども が います。 - There are children in the park.

By using these verbs correctly, you can convey precise and accurate information about the existence of objects and living beings around you.