Te Form: Verb Connection and Continuation

The Te form is a crucial part of Japanese grammar due to its versatility. Besides its role in connecting verbs, listing actions, giving explanations, and making requests, it also plays a significant part in forming progressive tenses, expressing reasons, and making polite requests. Understanding and mastering the Te form is essential for fluency in Japanese.

Note: It is important to remember that despite being very similar, the Te and Ta forms have completely different functions.

Group 1 Conjugations

Group 1 verbs, also known as Godan verbs, follow specific patterns based on their ending sounds. These patterns are essential to learn, as they differ significantly from other verb groups. Here’s a detailed look at each pattern:

Verbs Ending in Ru, U, and Tsu (Group 1)

For verbs that end in Ru (る), U (う), and Tsu (つ), replace the final kana with って.

WordDictionary FormTe Form
Stand upたつたって

この きょく を しっていますか。-  Do you know this song?

すずきさん が うたっています。-  Suzuki is singing.

Verbs Ending in Mu, Bu, and Nu (Group 1)

For verbs that end in Mu (む), Bu (ぶ), and Nu (ぬ), replace the final kana with んで.

WordDictionary FormTe Form

カルロスさん は ほん を よんでいます。- Carlos is reading a book.

はやく えらんでください。-  Please choose quickly.

Verbs Ending in Ku and Gu (Group 1)

For verbs that end in Ku (く) and Gu (ぐ), replace the final kana with いて and いで respectively.

WordDictionary FormTe Form

さとさん が ないていました。-  Sato was crying.

いそいでください。-  Please hurry.

Verbs Ending in Su (Group 1)

For verbs that end in Su (す), replace the final kana with して.

WordDictionary FormTe Form

マリアさん は リーさん と はなしていました。-  Maria was talking with Lee.

Group 2 Conjugations

Group 2 verbs, or Ichidan verbs, have a simpler conjugation pattern. To form the Te form, remove the final and add .

WordDictionary FormTe Form

くろい スーツ を きていました。-  They were wearing a black suit.

わたし の どうが を みてください。-  Please watch my video.

Group 3 Conjugations

Group 3, or irregular verbs, have unique conjugations that need to be memorized. In the Te form, they conjugate as follows:

WordDictionary FormTe Form

たなか は そうじ を しています。-  Tanaka is cleaning.

ひろさん が きています。-  Hiro is coming.

スーパー へ いってください。-  Please go to the supermarket.

Mastering the Te form is a fundamental step in learning Japanese. It not only allows for complex sentence structures and fluid conversation but also helps in understanding the language's subtleties. Practice regularly with different verbs and sentences to gain confidence and proficiency in using the Te form.