Refer Specific Time or Moment: とき

The Japanese word "とき" (toki) is used to refer to a specific time or moment. It's a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to indicate when something happens. Understanding how to use "とき" is fundamental for expressing time-related events in Japanese. Let's explore its usage with clear explanations and examples.

Basic Usage of とき

"とき" can be translated to "when" or "at the time" in English. It is used to describe the time or situation when an action occurs. It connects a time clause with the main action. Structure:

たべる とき、て を あらいます。 - When I eat, I wash my hands.

がっこう に いった とき、ともだち に あいました。 - When I went to school, I met my friend.

こども の とき、たくさん あそびました。 - When I was a child, I played a lot.

さむい とき、こーと を きます。 - When it is cold, I wear a coat.

Usage Variations

"とき" can be used with both past and non-past forms of verbs and adjectives, providing flexibility in describing actions that happen in the present, past, or future.

  • Past: Indicates an action that occurred in the past.
    • Example: たべた とき - When I ate.
  • Non-Past: Indicates a general or future action.
    • Example: たべる とき - When I eat.
  • Noun + の + とき is used to indicate a specific time related to a noun. For example, "がっこう の とき" means "at school time."
  • Verb + とき can sometimes be translated as "whenever" if it describes a habitual action. For instance, "ねる とき、まいにち ほん を よみます。" means "Whenever I sleep, I read a book."

"とき" is a simple yet powerful word for indicating time in Japanese. By mastering its use, you can accurately describe when actions happen and express your thoughts more clearly. Remember to pay attention to the verb forms and the context in which "とき" is used, as they can change the meaning of the sentence.