Listing Actions: たり and か

In Japanese, there are various ways to connect phrases and express multiple actions or choices. Two common expressions for this are たり~たり and か~か. These structures are useful for beginners, especially those studying for the JLPT N5, as they provide a basic understanding of listing actions and choices. Let's dive into these two grammar points.

たり~たり: Doing Such Things as A and B

The structure たり~たり is used to list actions or states among other possible activities. It implies that the actions listed are examples of what one does, rather than an exhaustive list. This pattern is formed by using the た-form (past tense) of verbs, followed by り.

Verb た-form + りたべた り、ねた り します。
Noun/Adjective + たりへや が しずか だ った り。

ひる に たべた り、べんきょう した り します。 - In the afternoon, I do things like eat and study.

まいにち ほん を よんだ り、うんどう した り します。 - Every day, I do things like read books and exercise.

In these examples, たり~たり is used to list activities that one might do, highlighting that these are not the only activities.

か~か: Choosing Between A and B

The か~か structure is used to offer choices or options between two things. It is similar to "or" in English. This pattern is straightforward and is formed by placing か between the choices.

Noun + か + Nounおちゃ か みず。
Verb + か + Verbいく か いかない か。
Adjective + か + Adjectiveたかい か やすい。

ばんごはん に カレー か すし を たべます。 - For dinner, I eat curry or sushi.

きょう は あめ が ふる か、ふらない か。 - Today, it will rain or not.

The examples above illustrate how か~か is used to present options. It is an essential structure for beginners as it helps in making simple choices in everyday conversation.

Both たり~たり and か~か are useful structures in basic Japanese. The former helps in listing activities, indicating a range of actions, while the latter provides choices. These patterns are fundamental for beginners, making it easier to express daily activities and preferences. Understanding and using them correctly will significantly improve your Japanese conversational skills.