Contrasts and Contradictions: しかし, でも, けど, and けれども

When learning Japanese, it’s essential to understand how to express contrasts and contradictions. Four common words used for this purpose are しかし, でも, けど, and けれども. Each of these has a slightly different nuance and usage. Let's explore them in detail:


  • Usage: Formal speech or writing.
  • Position: Often at the beginning of a sentence to present a contrast.

わたし は がくせい です。 しかし、アルバイト も しています。 - I am a student. However, I also have a part-time job.


  • Usage: Casual speech or writing.
  • Position: Typically at the beginning of a sentence to show contrast.

かれ は おかね が ない。 でも、しあわせ です。 - He has no money. But, he is happy.


  • Usage: Informal speech.
  • Position: Can be used in the middle of a sentence to show contrast or uncertainty. Often used at the end of a sentence to soften the statement.

わたし は いきたい けど、いそがしい です。 - I want to go, but I am busy.


  • Usage: Polite or formal speech.
  • Position: Used similarly to けど but in more polite contexts. It can be placed at the end of a sentence.

しごと は むずかしい けれども、たのしい です。 - The job is difficult, but it is enjoyable.

Comparison Table

しかしFormalBeginning of a sentenceわたし は がくせい です。 しかし、アルバイト も しています。 - I am a student. However, I also have a part-time job.
でもCasualBeginning of a sentenceかれ は おかね が ない。 でも、しあわせ です。 - He has no money. But, he is happy.
けどInformalMiddle or end of a sentenceわたし は いきたい けど、いそがしい です。 - I want to go, but I am busy.
けれどもPolite/formalMiddle or end of a sentenceしごと は むずかしい けれども、たのしい です。 - The job is difficult, but it is enjoyable.

Understanding the nuances of しかし, でも, けど, and けれども can significantly improve your ability to express contrasts in Japanese. Each term fits different levels of formality and can be used to convey your message more appropriately depending on the context.