“Become” and “Turn Into”: になる, くなる, and なる
The Japanese language has various ways to express changes in state or condition, three of which are になる, くなる, and なる. Each of these structures is used differently depending on the context and the type of adjective or noun involved. Let's explore these grammatical constructs in detail.
になる (ni naru)
The expression になる is used to indicate a change of state for nouns and な-adjectives. It can be translated to "become" or "turn into" in English.
せんせい に なる。 - To become a teacher.
わたし は しょうらい、せんせい に なりたい です。 - I want to become a teacher in the future.
きれい に なる。 - To become beautiful/clean.
へや が きれい に なりました。 - The room has become clean.
くなる (ku naru)
The expression くなる is used with い-adjectives to indicate a change in state. It also means "become" or "turn into."
あつく なる。 - To become hot.
ことし の なつ は きょねん より あつく なりそう です。 - This summer is likely to become hotter than last year.
つよく なる。 - To become strong.
トレーニング を つづければ、もっと つよく なります。 - If you continue training, you will become stronger.
なる (naru)
The verb なる is a versatile verb that generally means "to become" or "to turn into." It can be used on its own or in combination with various nouns and adjectives.
よる に なる。 - To become night.
もうすぐ よる に なります。 - It will become night soon.
おとな に なる。 - To become an adult.
こども は いつか おとな に なります。 - Children will become adults someday.
Combining Structures
Understanding the nuances of になる, くなる, and なる helps in forming more complex sentences and expressing changes accurately in Japanese. Let’s look at some combined usage for better clarity.
はる に なる と、あたたかく なります。 - When it becomes spring, it gets warm.
This sentence showcases how になる and くなる can be used together to express a transition that leads to a change in state.
Mastering になる, くなる, and なる is essential for fluency in Japanese, as these structures frequently appear in daily conversation and writing. By understanding their usage, you can describe various transformations and changes more precisely. Practice with real-life examples, and soon, you’ll find yourself naturally using these expressions in your Japanese communication.
The Japanese language has various ways to express changes in state or condition, three of which are になる, くなる, and なる. Each of these structures is used differently depending on the context and the type of adjective or noun involved. Let's explore these grammatical constructs in detail.
になる (ni naru)
The expression になる is used to indicate a change of state for nouns and な-adjectives. It can be translated to "become" or "turn into" in English.
せんせい に なる。 - To become a teacher.
わたし は しょうらい、せんせい に なりたい です。 - I want to become a teacher in the future.
きれい に なる。 - To become beautiful/clean.
へや が きれい に なりました。 - The room has become clean.
くなる (ku naru)
The expression くなる is used with い-adjectives to indicate a change in state. It also means "become" or "turn into."
あつく なる。 - To become hot.
ことし の なつ は きょねん より あつく なりそう です。 - This summer is likely to become hotter than last year.
つよく なる。 - To become strong.
トレーニング を つづければ、もっと つよく なります。 - If you continue training, you will become stronger.
なる (naru)
The verb なる is a versatile verb that generally means "to become" or "to turn into." It can be used on its own or in combination with various nouns and adjectives.
よる に なる。 - To become night.
もうすぐ よる に なります。 - It will become night soon.
おとな に なる。 - To become an adult.
こども は いつか おとな に なります。 - Children will become adults someday.
Combining Structures
Understanding the nuances of になる, くなる, and なる helps in forming more complex sentences and expressing changes accurately in Japanese. Let’s look at some combined usage for better clarity.
はる に なる と、あたたかく なります。 - When it becomes spring, it gets warm.
This sentence showcases how になる and くなる can be used together to express a transition that leads to a change in state.
Mastering になる, くなる, and なる is essential for fluency in Japanese, as these structures frequently appear in daily conversation and writing. By understanding their usage, you can describe various transformations and changes more precisely. Practice with real-life examples, and soon, you’ll find yourself naturally using these expressions in your Japanese communication.