Ask Someone About Their Opinion: はどうですか, はいかがですか and たらどうですか

In Japanese, the phrase "はどうですか" is a common and versatile way to ask someone about their opinion, condition, or suggestion regarding something. It translates to "how about" or "how is" in English. This structure is essential for engaging in everyday conversations and making polite inquiries. Let's break down its usage and related structures, providing clear and simple examples for a basic understanding.

Basic Structure and Usage

The basic structure for using "はどうですか" is as follows:

てんき は どう ですか。 - How is the weather?

This structure is used to inquire about someone's opinion, the condition of something, or to make a suggestion. It’s polite and can be used in various contexts, making it a fundamental phrase in Japanese.

あなた の けんこう は どう ですか。 - How is your health?

しごと は どう ですか。 - How is work?

この ほん は どう ですか。 - How is this book?

Related Structures

  • 〜についてはどうですか: This structure is used when asking about someone's opinion or suggestion on a specific topic. "について" means "about," so "についてはどうですか" translates to "How about [topic]?"

しゅうまつ について は どう ですか。 - How about the weekend?

あたらしい プロジェクト について は どう ですか。 - How about the new project?

  • 〜はいかがですか: This is a more formal way of asking "How about?" It is polite and often used in more respectful or formal settings.

あたらしい うち は いかが ですか。 - How about the new house?

こんしゅう の プラン は いかが ですか。 - How about the plan for this week?

  • 〜たらどうですか: This structure is used to suggest something. It translates to "How about doing [something]?" or "Why don't you [do something]?"

えいが を みたら どう ですか。 - How about watching a movie?

やさい を たべたら どう ですか。 - How about eating vegetables?

The phrase "はどうですか" and its related structures are essential tools for making polite inquiries and suggestions in Japanese. Whether you're asking for someone's opinion, checking on a condition, or proposing an idea, these phrases help facilitate smooth communication. Understanding these expressions will enhance your ability to engage in everyday conversations and express yourself more effectively in Japanese.