Action Done With Someone Else: いっしょに

"いっしょに" (issho ni) is a common expression in Japanese that means "together." It's used to indicate that an action is done with someone else. This term is frequently used in everyday conversations and is essential for forming polite requests or invitations. Let's dive into the different contexts and examples where "いっしょに" can be used.

Basic Usage and Examples

"いっしょに" is often used with verbs to express doing something together with someone. The word can be combined with different verbs to convey a variety of activities. Here are some common scenarios:

Verb (in Japanese)Translation (in English)ExampleTranslation
たべるTo eatいっしょに たべましょう。Let's eat together.
みるTo see/watchいっしょに えいが を みましょう。Let's watch a movie together.
いくTo goいっしょに いきましょう。Let's go together.
あそぶTo playいっしょに あそびましょう。Let's play together.

Invitations and Suggestions

"いっしょに" is often used when inviting someone to join in an activity. It's a polite and friendly way to suggest doing something with another person. The expression can be followed by various polite forms, such as ましょう (mashou) or ませんか (masen ka), to make suggestions or ask questions.

いっしょに えいが を みませんか。 - Would you like to watch a movie together?

Everyday Conversations

In daily conversations, "いっしょに" is a handy phrase for planning activities or simply enjoying someone's company. It's a versatile expression that can make interactions more inclusive and friendly.

いっしょに あさごはん を たべましょう。 - Let's have breakfast together.

いっしょに さんぽ を しましょう。 - Let's take a walk together.

"いっしょに" is a simple yet powerful expression in Japanese, used to convey the idea of doing something together. Whether you're inviting someone for a meal, suggesting a movie, or just spending time, this phrase is essential for polite and friendly communication. It's a great way to connect with others and make plans.